Liquid and gas measurement systems
PECULIARITIES • Application of the combined two-phase vertical gas-liquid separator and the horizontal liquid-liquid separator. The obtained three-phase separator combines efficiency of the vertical gas-liquid and horizontal liquid separati...
The orifice is a type of the standard restrictive flow orifice in form of a thin metal disc with the round bore in the middle, which has sharp square edge on the flow inlet side. The orifice is intended for metering flow and amount of liquid and gases, which r...
Instrument pipeline with the restrictive flow orifice (ITSU)
ITSU is intended for metering flow and amount of the operating fluid by alternating pressure drop with the use of the restrictive flow orifice. The restrictive flow orifice (RFO) is a technical device installed in the instrument pipeline with th...
Fiscal and Technological Gas and Fluid Metering Stations
Full package of design services of fiscal and technological gas and fluid metering stations according to the valid regulatory documents. “EMC TRIADA” LLC proposes “turn key” development and implementation of new and mode...
Fiscal metering units based on the metering instruments
“EMC TRIADA” LLC proposes development and implementation of new and modernization of the existing liquid and gas metering stations “turn key” based on the different types of metering instruments: ultrasonic, Coriolis acceleration etc. f...
Straightening vanes are the flow preparation units. They are intended to reduce the straight run of instrument pipeline before the orifice if it is impossible to get the required length. Structurally the straightening vanes are a cartridge from a bunch of 19 p...